Maintaining your relationship with Jesus
I have come to hear the voice of God in several ways. One way is in Prayer, my conversation with God. This is a time I praise and adore him, lay my concerns at his feet, pour out my tears, fears, dreams, and requests to him, or thank him for all my abundant blessings. It is also a time I just sit in his presence and hear what he is saying to me. It is in the stillness of listening that God speaks to me. He puts a thought or feeling deep within my heart that leads me forward, or sometimes my answer is to wait. God also speaks to me through his living word. His word teaches and shows me how to align my life with the will of God. God uses people in my life to confirm his answers. There are times I am not sure what God is saying to me and someone will come along and give the exact information I thought God was telling me. God uses nature to help me reflect and get answers too. Sitting amongst his creative beauty always quiets my soul and opens my heart and ears to what God is saying to me. The key for me is staying close to Jesus, confessing my sin to him, and remaining in his word and fellowship. Reflecting on his magnificent glory! In the times when there might be silence I know that Jesus is always there. I trust his word when he says,”It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:6
I know God hears my prayers, that he is with me, I trust him even in the silence, and it brings my Heavenly Father great joy for me to come and just sit in his presence listening for his voice and what he has for me that day.
